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Thursday, September 2, 2010
Conference Room – Senior Center

Present:          Rev. Dr. Jerry Heslinga; Susan Sullivan; Barbara Anger; Albert Ferron;
                       Richard Mansfield; Faye Ellis; Louise Charbonneau; Jim Robinson;
Cheryl Owoc; Maureen Buffone.
The minutes from the June 3, 2010 meeting were approved and accepted.

F.H.C.O.A. REPORT ~ Barbara Anger
Barbara reported that the account balances are as follows:
                Commerce Bank                   $14,656.37        
                Leominster Credit Union         $4,606.29
                C.D.                                    $23,121.83      
The Friends’ annual meeting will be held on Saturday, September 11, 2010 at 9:00 a.m. with election of officers and pancake breakfast.  The meeting is open to all Friends members whose dues are current.  
The Friends Fair will be held on Saturday, November 6, 2010.

        Jim submitted a Financial Report dated July 31, 2010, which included activity for May, June and July 2010.  Disbursements for this period totaled $2,608.00.  There was no activity for Welcome Aldrich, except for interest, calculated every three (3) months, in the amount of $18.42.  The total receipts to date are $43,280.61.  The total disbursements to date are $30,622.34.  
        Cheryl stated that there are currently requests in the amount of $7,000.00, but not everything will be paid out.  Louise said there are more requests this summer than usual.  
        Jim asked for a $4,000.00 transfer from the Welcome Aldrich account to the Help at Home account.  Rick made a motion to approve the request, which passed unanimously.  Jim will take the same motion to the Help at Home Committee.
        Mr. Ferron asked why there are two (2) separate accounts.  He recommended that it is made clear in the Fall/Winter campaign so that it doesn’t appear to be two (2) competing funds.  As there is a new treasurer in place, Louise will have a conversation in the near future with Sharon
        There will be Help at Home inserts in the November and December light department bills.  

        Rick reported that the Board of Elder Services does not meet during the summer.  Rick has been reappointed to his position on the board.  Rick will invite someone from the Board of Elder Services to come to speak at the next HCOA meeting.  

DIRECTOR’S REPORT ~ Louise Charbonneau
        The events for the month of July included the following:
Thurs., July 1…Movie “Play the Game”
Wed., July 7…Speaker from W.I.S.E. program
Thurs., July 8…Movie “Desk Set”
Thurs., July 15…Movie “Everybody’s Fine”
Fri., July 16…Victorian Tea
Mon., July 19…Music, Magic & Comedy
Thurs., July 22…In honor of the invention of the ice cream cone, we had ice cream cones;
    Movie “The Ghost and Mr. Chicken”
Wed., July 28…The Serengheti
Thurs., July 29…Movie “The Blind Side”

August events included:
Thurs., Aug. 5…Movie “Echoes From the White House”
Mon., Aug. 9…Meet the Light Manager
Thur., Aug. 12…Movie “The Sunshine Boys”
Mon., Aug. 16…One Act Play “The Alligator”
Thur., Aug. 26…Movie “Leap Year”

The events scheduled for September include:
Thur., Sept. 2…Movie “Some Like it Hot”  12:30
Mon., Sept. 6…Closed for Labor Day
Wed., Sept. 8…Fall Coffee Social  10:00  (in honor of national date nut bread day)
Thur., Sept. 9…Movie “Historic Pubs of Dublin” 12:30
Sat., Sept. 11…Friends annual meeting and pancake breakfast  9:00
Mon., Sept. 13…Movie ~Episodes of “I Love Lucy” 12:30
Tues., Sept. 14…Primary Election – no programs – no lunch
Thur., Sept. 16…Movie “The Back-up Plan”  12:30
Fri., Sept. 17…Poker  10:00
Mon., Sept. 20…Medication Safety  10:00
                           Movie ~ Episodes of the Dick Van Dyke Show  12:30
Thurs., Sept. 23…Movie “When in Rome”  12:30
Mon., Sept. 27…Laughter Yoga 10:00
                    Movie ~ Episodes of the Red Skelton Show
Thurs., Sept. 30…Movie “The Ultimate Gift”

The numbers from some of the summer event’s are as follows:
Speaker from W.I.S.E. Program – 38
Victorian Tea - 50
Music, Magic & Comedy - 37
The Serengheti -25

The Trout Brook Picnic was moved from Friday, August 20th to tomorrow, September 3rd.  We have 93 people registered to attend.  We are delighted to have some of the members of the Holden Professional Firefighters volunteering their time to be here to help us serve.

The solar panels have been installed on the roof and the rest of the “workings” are on the wall in what we refer to as “Adam’s room.”  Now the project is complete, has had all of the proper inspections and is up and running.

This year’s Public Power Week Luncheon is being held on Monday, October 4th at 12 noon here at the center.  This year’s menu is marinated beef, mashed potatoes, vegetable, salad, rolls/butter, dessert and beverage.  All board members were invited to attend.

Most of the staff is registered to attend the MCOA Conference which is being held October 6-8 at the Sea Crest Resort and Conference Center in North Falmouth.  Deadline for registering for this conference is tomorrow.  If any of you are interested in attending for the entire conference or even for a day, you can go on to to view the listings of workshops and to register or you can let Louise know and she would be happy to complete the registration form.  If you decide to register yourself, please print out the final page and give it to Maureen, as the formula grant pays for attendance.  It is worth noting that Cheryl Owoc is facilitating two workshops at this year’s conference – one on Wednesday and one on Thursday.

In that our next scheduled meeting would be Thursday, October 7th, and most of the staff will be at the conference, Louise asked if the board would like to change the meeting to a different date or forego the meeting until November.  The board agreed to postpone the meeting to October 14, 2010 at 8:00 a.m.     

        Rick asked Cheryl about whether volunteers are still needed.  Louise had already discussed with Paula the need to recruit more volunteers.


Louise passed out information on the policy for rental of the senior center.  A final decision has not been made as to whether these changes will be implemented, but certainly something has to be done in order to preserve the condition of the building.  Louise is looking for the board’s input.  There has been an increased problem with the number of groups asking to use the building, and the building is showing wear and tear.  Sue Sullivan had shared the WRSD’s Use Application, Agreement and Fee Schedule for groups who might like to utilize the schools for a meeting or event with Louise.  Attached to that is a draft policy for using town facilities, a letter informing groups who presently use the building of the changes being put into place and a list of groups who use the senior center.  Louise checked with Brenda Harvey, and Brenda gave Louise a list of the groups who pay $100.00 per year to rent the other Town’s facilities.  Town appointed committees do not pay for building use.  Jerry suggested adding something to the policy that building use is the discretion of the senior center.  Jim suggested channeling some of the groups to the light department.  They can completely seal off the community room, which is separate from the rest of the building.  The board agreed that Louise should continue to use her discretion.  

        Jim announced the public safety and light dept. are ready for the impending storm on Friday, should an emergency situation occur.


It was unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 9:06 a.m.
        The next meeting will be held on Thursday, October 14, 2010 at 8:00 a.m. at the Holden Senior Center.

Respectfully submitted,

Maureen Buffone